Heart protection

The heart is one of the most efficient muscles in our body because it works all the time. Heart diseases are very dangerous for health and life, so you should take care of them. The minerals that support the work of this extremely important muscle are potassium and folic acid. These substances can be found in red-leaved lettuces, e.g. young beet greens and lattughinio rosso, arugula or iceberg lettuce.

Good eyesight

​​​​To maintain good eyesight, our diet should include products containing lutein and vitamins B and C. The easiest way to provide them to the body is food. A rich source of these vitamins are spinach and arugula, which are worth including in your daily diet.

Body detox

Vegetables rich in chlorophyll and folic acid are the best for cleansing the body. These organic compounds found in plants are known for their detoxifying properties. Arugula, lattughinio rosso and mini romaine lettuce, which we use so often in the kitchen, contain a lot of chlorophyll and folic acid.


We cannot reverse the aging process, but nature has given us all the tools in the form of vegetables, which, thanks to their miraculous properties, help to slow down this process. Consumption of vitamin K, folic acid and manganese, which are rich in romaine lettuce, Japanese mustard leaves (Mizuna), can have a beneficial effect on the condition of our skin: increase its elasticity, reduce the amount of discolouration, wrinkles and age spots.

Supporting weight loss

Obesity is another civilisational disease that affects all societies. According to forecasts, in 2025 in Poland 26% of women and 30% of men will be obese. What and how to eat? It is definitely worth including iceberg lettuce, romaine mini and lamb’s lettuce in your daily diet. They are low in calories and rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on the intestines and digestion, thanks to which it supports slimming and contributes to maintaining the right weight.


Diabetes is an increasingly common disease not only among adults but also among children. If you want to lower blood sugar levels, it is worth introducing baby spinach to your diet. Iron and riboflavin, i.e. vitamin B2, contained in it, protect cells against oxidative stress and improve insulin sensitivity. On the other hand, the inclusion of lamb’s lettuce in the menu is conducive to a diabetic diet.

Blood presure regulation

Blood pressure is a highly fluctuating value. The average adult blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. People suffering from high blood pressure are advised to eat products rich in potassium and vitamin K, which help to lower it. Plants rich in these minerals are arugula, lattughinio rosso, broccoli and mini romaine lettuce, which are worth eating not only on holidays.

Problems with memory

Memory problems most often affect the elderly. Alzheimer’s mainly affects people over 65 years of age. This disease develops slowly and over time and causes problems in everyday life. In order to support the functioning of our brain, it is worth eating celery several times a week, which contains phosphorus, as well as a lot of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and zinc, which protect our brain against neurodegenerative diseases.

Fighting cancer and tumors

Cancer is often not an easy disease to treat, and the threat of recurrence is very real. The environment we live in and what we eat greatly affect our health. Young spinach, which contains vitamin B2, has a positive effect on the immune system. Broccoli also has a lot of compounds that are good for the body and contains sulforaphane, which is conducive to preventing cancer.